We are the owner of Genominal.COM. We are also the owner of many other domain names and have significant experience in the domain sales industry. We are not domain brokers. We know the value of domains, and we know how to conclude a transaction. It is up for sale and all it takes is an email to make the sale happen. Turn around time for a domain to transfer to the new owner is often 3 days. We use an escrow service provider to handle the money and the transfer. They are very reliable and have been doing domain sales since at least the early 2000´s. We have a vision for this domain as a fortune 500 company. It is unique, it is one word, and connotes a positive activity. We know that our price is justified. We base this price on the history of similar domain sales. Sometimes we even undervalue a domain we are selling. But we never inflate the value of our domains. We want a fair price for both the buyer and the seller. It is possible.
You can contact us directly at the email address in the photo above.
Good Luck in your search for the right domain name!